The June 17th dedication of the Louis A. Simpson and Kimberly K. Querrey Biomedical Research Center marked the official opening of the largest new research building in the United States. A capacity crowd of Northwestern leadership, trustees, faculty, staff, friends, and supporters gathered to usher in a new era of scientific discovery. Following the opening dedication, attendees heard presentations by Northwestern University faculty inside the Potocsnak Family Atrium.
“Our goal, quite simply, is to accelerate the pace of medical science, fuel the local economy, and, surrounded by world-class clinical partners in a global city, create an environment unrivaled for biomedical translation and entrepreneurship,” said Vice President for Medical Affairs and Lewis Landsberg Dean Eric G. Neilson, MD. “Moments like this don’t happen very frequently. It’s not too often that a University will commit to build the largest freestanding research facility in America.”

(1) U.S. Senator Dick Durbin.
(2) Northwestern University Trustee Ann Lurie and Northwestern University president and professor Morton Schapiro.
(3) Top row, from left: Former Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel; Northwestern University Board of Trustees Chairman J. Landis Martin; Morton Schapiro; Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker; Northwestern University Trustee Louis A. Simpson; Northwestern University Trustee Kimberly K. Querrey; Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Vice President for Medical Affairs and Lewis Landsberg Dean Eric G. Neilson, MD; Northwestern University Provost Jonathan Holloway; John Potocsnak and Laura Potocsnak.
Bottom row, from left: Ald. Brian Hopkins, 2nd; Northwestern Memorial Healthcare CEO Dean Harrison; Stanley Manne; President and CEO of Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago Patrick Magoon; Illinois State Senator Robert Peters; and Illinois Congressman Danny Davis.
(4) Northwestern University Trustees Louis A. Simpson and Kimberly K. Querrey.
(5) Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Vice President for Medical Affairs and Lewis Landsberg Dean Eric G. Neilson, MD.
(6) Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker.
(7) Patrick Magoon with Stanley Manne and Fern Lentini Manne; Tom Shanley, MD, chair of Pediatrics at Feinberg and Lurie Children’s and president and chief research officer of the Stanley Manne Children’s Research Institute; and Cassandra Lucas, PhD, CRA, COO of the Stanley Manne Children’s Research Institute.