
Alumni News

  • Alumni Perspective: Paving the Way for Greater Diversity in Medicine 

    Alumni Perspective: Paving the Way for Greater Diversity in Medicine 

    William D. Yates, ‘85 MD, shares his unique experience and perspective as an African American medical student at Feinberg.

  • Feinberg Classmates Reconnect at Alumni Weekend 2023

    Feinberg Classmates Reconnect at Alumni Weekend 2023

    Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine hosted Alumni Weekend 2023 on October 13 and 14, during which more than 400 alumni and guests returned to campus to reconnect and reminisce with former classmates.

  • A New Way to Beat Bacteria

    A New Way to Beat Bacteria

    Scott Hultgren, ’87 PhD, is developing new antibiotic-sparing drugs to treat urinary tract infections based on his decades-long research on host-bacteria interactions.

  • Alumni Weekend Reflections 

    Alumni Weekend Reflections 

    Autumn is a time for reflection, and this year that coincided perfectly with Alumni Weekend festivities in Chicago.

  • Giving


    On September 18, the Feinberg School of Medicine celebrated 22 faculty recently appointed with endowed professor­ships during a group investiture ceremony at The Peninsula Hotel in downtown Chicago.

  • Progress Notes

    Progress Notes

    Sharing news, accomplishments, and important milestones from the alumni of the Feinberg School of Medicine.

  • In Memoriam

    In Memoriam

    Northwestern Medicine expresses its condolences to the families and friends of the following alumni and faculty who have passed away.

Campus News